Friday, February 3, 2012

Can I just speak to my fellow hairstylists for a bit.

I've done hair for 10 years now. I've seen it all. I've had every client, I've worked with every type of stylist.

There is a concept in the hair world (and any business really) called the 80/20 rule. That means 20% of the stylists make 80% of the $$$ and the other 80% make 20% of the $$$.  Does that upset you? Is that because you are an 80%?

Why does this happen? Why do such a small number of stylists in a salon make so much money? Hard fucking work.  That's why. They come in early & stay late. They don't leave for the day if they don't have guests on the book...instead they call their existing client base & building/solidify their business. They dress to the 9s. They treat their clients with professionalism & respect.

I wanna tell you about some of the 80% where I work.

"Janet" is the best example. The first thing you notice about Janet is her appearance...she looks as if she's going to a bar, not to work. She wears jeans, sneakers, t-shirts. She wears HATS 90% of the time. A fucking HAT in a hair salon. Great advertising their Janet!

Janet spends most of her free time in the back room, because she's not busy. If she's not in the back room, she's outside smoking & on her cell phone. Think Janet puts on some perfume after she comes back in the salon? Hell no. She fucking stinks.....wait I take that back. One day I did see her put on Axe Body Spray. Yeah she smelled like a 15 year old boy in a locker room. Starting to understand why she's not busy?

Janet is making the same money today as she was a year ago. Literally ZERO growth over the past year. Its embarrassing....and she bitches & moans about her guests don't prebook, her guests are cheap, her guests don't wanna spend money. Funny how its ONLY her guests who are so cheap. I wonder if that has anything  to do with the fact that she dresses like she doesn't give a shit, she smells like she doesn't give a shit....and really, she DOESN'T give a shit!

I tell all the young stylists who come into our salon a key rule about dressing for success: Dress like you DESERVE a $20 tip, not like you need one. 

Does this remind you of yourself at all? Do you sit in the back room when you're not busy & piss and moan about how slow you are? Do you spend all your downtime outside smoking/on the phone & wonder why your paycheck never gets any bigger? Do you put no effort into your wardrobe & wonder why your guests don't want to spend money? The answer is in the mirror. Instead of blaming the economy, your guests, the salon owner, other need to blame YOURSELF. Only you can change your situation in life, and putting a little effort into your look & your job can make a big difference in the size of your paycheck.

Michael Cole has written a great book that has been revised a few times to update. The newest version is called Over The Top. It is a must have for EVERY teaches you how to be successful in the salon industry in very simple terms EVERYONE can understand.